Local projects & groups funded in Victorian Landcare Grants

24 Landcare projects and 28 support grants will be funded in the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment through the 2021 Victorian Landcare Grants program.

The Victorian Government provides funding to support Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks for on-ground works, education, and capacity building projects that protect, enhance, and restore our land and natural environment.

A total of $4.09 million was provided for 206 project grants and 282 support grants across Victoria in 2021.

Grants were awarded to Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks that have a focus on on-ground land and natural environment improvement work.

This includes Landcare groups and networks, ‘Friends of’ groups, Conservation Management Networks, Committees of Management, Coastcare groups, and Aboriginal groups and organisations working on Country.

Project grants are for on-ground works, capacity building activities, community education and engagement that protects, or improves natural assets such as native vegetation, native fauna, waterways, wetlands, and soils.

Support grants are for or assistance with costs such as insurance, incorporation and operational needs, or meetings and events or newsletters, websites, and other communication.

Projects will be completed by 30 November 2022.

MEDIA RELEASE: Record $500k investment in local Landcare projects

Project grants (up to $30,000)

Beyond Bolac Catchment Action GroupBiodiversity Connectivity and Habitat Improvement within the Victorian Volcanic PlainsTerang
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group (H11 H12 Community Action Group)Wetland Enhancement and Conservation within the Fiery and Salt Creek Sub-catchmentTerang
Bunnugal Landcare GroupCreating Critter Corridors, Clean Water and Camouflaged Collars – Bunnugal 2021-2022Glenthompson
Friends of the Great South West WalkFriends of the Great South West Walk Erosion Control and Re-Vegetation at Cape Bridgewater 2021Portland
Gazette Land Action GroupContinuing to create the Biolink between Mt. Rouse and Mt. Napier by the Gazette GroupPenshurst
Gazette Land Action GroupEnvironmental works in the Byaduk Macarthur area involving creek protection and revegetationPenshurst
Hamilton Coleraine Railway Line Landcare GroupRepairing, stabilising and revegetating creeks and hillsides above the Wannon River.Hamilton
Hopkins Falls Landcare GroupFalls to Forest to Falls: Creating blue-green habitat corridors and empowering next generation LandcarersWangoom
Lyne and Camp Creek Land Management GroupProtection, repair, stabilising and revegetation works on both the Lyne and Camp CreeksBranxholme
Making a Difference (MAD) for the MerriWinslow Gorge upstream erosion control, revegetation and wildlife corridor extensionWarrnambool
Making a Difference (MAD) for the MerriThe Merri Catchment 2021 and BeyondWarrnambool
Mirranatwa Landcare GroupProtecting and Increasing Mirranatwa’s Biodiversity 2021-2022Mirranatwa
Pierrepoint Land Protection GroupA collaborative project by the Pierrepoint Group to continue the rejuvenation of the Muddy CreekHamilton
Port Fairy to Warrnambool Rail Trail Inc.Greening the Rail TrailWarrnambool
Southwest Environment AllianceRestore Connect Protect (stage 1)Portland
The Basalt to Bay Landcare Network IncNeighborhood Safer Places for Native Vulnerable & Threatened VertebratesWarrnambool
Upper Hopkins Land Management GroupSimple fixes add up: protecting wetlands and waterways in the Hopkins catchmentMaroona
Upper Hopkins Land Management GroupCollaboration is key: Expanding and connecting biodiversity corridors in the Maroona hillsMaroona
Upper Hopkins Land Management GroupSmart laneways: creating wildlife corridors and protecting wetlands in the Hopkins catchmentMaroona
Upper Hopkins Land Management GroupFrom top to bottom: Diversifying agricultural landscapes across the Upper Hopkins Land Management Group regionMaroona
Upper Mount Emu Creek Landcare Network on behalf of Miners Rest Landcare GroupLinking the Chain on the Burrumbeet CreekLexton
Wando River LandcareTablelands-Erosion Remediation WorksWando Vale
Wando River LandcareThe Fencing and Revegetation of Four Sections of Creek.Nareen
Wando River Landcare with the support of Friends of the Glenelg RiverTrial of Growth Rates of Grafted Bulokes onto Drooping and Black Sheoke RootstocksNareen
Woorndoo Chatsworth Landcare Group (formerly Woorndoo Land Protection Group)A seasonal vegetation survey in Woorndoo and districtWoorndoo

Support grants ($500 each)

Ararat Landcare GroupWickliffe
Best Food and Fibre Environment Group IncWoolsthorpe
Bulart Land Management GroupBulart
Byaduk Recreation ReserveByaduk
Cape Nelson Landcare Inc.Portland West
Cardigan Windermere Landcare GroupLexton
Culla-Pigeon Ponds Land Management GroupCoojar
Dunrobin Landcare GroupDunrobin
Eumeralla landcare groupMacArthur
Friends of Pallisters Reserve IncWarrnambool
Friends of the Forgotten Woodlands Inc.Dunkeld
Friends of the Glenelg RiverCasterton
Glenthompson Catchment GroupGlenthompson
Hamilton Coleraine Rail Reserve Committee of ManagementHamilton
Hamilton Field Naturalists ClubHamilton
Kanagulk Landcare GroupEden Park
Kurri Kurri Co-Operative Society LtdWarrnambool
Mooralla Landcare GroupMooralla
Nelson Coastcare IncorporatedNelson
Panyyabyr Landcare GroupKarabeal
Portland Coastal Cliffs Inc.Portland
Portland Scenic Gateway Landcare GroupPortland
Skipton Landcare GroupSkipton
Snake Valley Land Protection GroupSnake Valley
South West Environmental Education IncorporatedPortland
Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare NetworkWarrnambool
Warrnambool Field Naturalists ClubWarrnambool
Wennicott Creek Landcare GroupClover Flat