
Flood advice

Does my property flood?

Step 1: Check freely available flood mapping information via the GHCMA Flood Risk Mapping Portal

To find out if your property is located within a flood-prone area and produce a flood information property report use the online flood information portal.

  • if your property is located near a waterway but not covered by the freely available flood mapping; or
  • you need more detailed advice around development then go to Step 2: Apply for Flood Risk Interpretation

Step 2: Apply for Flood Risk Interpretation

How much does it cost?

Base application fee: $180.00 inc. GST

Additional Fees

  • Complex application Fee: $240.00 inc. GST
  • On-site assessment/Meeting Request: $240.00 inc. GST
  • Priority Service (pending availability – please contact us to confirm): $240.00 inc. GST

Concession available: 15% off

Additional Fees Online Payment Form

How long until I receive the advice?

A response will be supplied to you within 20 working days of submitting you application and payment.

Who can I contact with questions?

Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
Floodplain & Waterway Planning
A: PO Box 502, Hamilton Vic 3300
T: 03 5571 2526
E: planning@ghcma.vic.gov.au

Floodplain management

Home page for our work on floodplains

What we do on the floodplain and why

Discover our role as a floodplain management authority & why we do it

Floodplain resources

Access guidelines, flood investigations, resources & online planning maps

Flood emergency information

Local flood information & resources from the authorities that manage flood emergencies