Board and governance

Our Board

Glenelg Hopkins CMA is governed by a Board of nine community representatives, including the Chairperson. Directors are appointed by Ministerial appointment following a public call for people with skills and experience relating to our catchment for either a term of 2 or 4 years.

Current Board members

The Board is responsible and accountable for the good governance, strategic direction and effective and efficient operation of the organisation.

Board strategic objectives

  • Productive partnerships for a healthy catchment
  • Effective waterway and floodplain management
  • Integrated and sustainable catchment management
  • A respected and accountable organisation

The Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority Board is directly responsible for the development of strategic direction for land and water management in the region.

The Board directors provide leadership rather than operational management. They set the vision and strategic direction for integrated natural resource management in the region. In effect, they set priorities, evaluate the effectiveness of outcomes, monitor the external and internal environment and identify opportunities.


The structure, functions and operations of the Glenelg Hopkins CMA are broadly governed by established legislation. A mandatory requirement of the CMA is to comply with this legislation.

Government policy sets the firm direction for the Glenelg Hopkins CMA and through this, internal policy and procedure are set. All internal policies are endorsed by Directors to ensure compliance and relevance.

Statutory documents

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 (the CaLP Act), Victoria is divided into ten catchment regions with a Catchment Management Authority (CMA) established for each region.

CMAs are provided with regional waterway, floodplain, drainage and environmental water reserve management powers under the Water Act 1989.

The obligations of Glenelg Hopkins CMA are primarily contained in legislation.

View statutory documents that outline our obligations.

Freedom of Information requests

The object of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 is to extend as far as possible the right of the community to access information in the possession of the government and government agencies.

The public can make a request to access documents created after 1 January 1989 and any personal documents relating to individuals.

Make a request

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