Floodplain management resources

Floodplain Development Guidelines

Guidelines for Development in Flood Affected Areas (DEECA)- online PDF

Guidelines for Coastal Catchment Management Authorities (DEECA)- online PDF

Glenelg Hopkins CMA Floodplain Guidelines

Floodplain Modelling Guidelines

Local Floodplain Development Plans

Flood Investigations

Note: The reports in this section are the summary reports produced as part of the relevant flood investigation. The mapping scenarios represented in this reports may not directly correlate with the flood scenario used for planning purposes. The planned for flood modelling used for planning purposes typically includes consideration of climate change including sea level rise where applicable and increased rainfall intensity.

2020 Upper Mount Emu Creek Regional Flood Investigation Summary Report (PDF)

2018 Coleraine Flood Investigation Summary Report (PDF)

2018 Chetwynd Flood Intelligence and Mapping Report (PDF)

2018 Fitzroy River, Darlot Creek and Heywood Regional Floodplain Mapping Study Summary Report (PDF)

2017 Ararat Flood Investigation Summary Report (PDF)

2017 Harrow Flood Investigation Summary Report (PDF)

2014 Russells Creek Total Flood Warning Scoping Study (PDF)

2014 Port Fairy Flood Warning Assessment Project (PDF)

2014 Casterton Flood Warning & Intelligence Improvements (PDF)

2013 Burrumbeet Flood Investigation (PDF)

2013 Port Fairy Coastal Hazard Assessment (PDF)

2013 Wickliffe Flood Investigation (PDF)

2013 Skipton Flood Investigation (PDF)

2012 Hamilton Flood Investigation (PDF)

2011 Casterton Flood Study (PDF)

2010-2011 Victorian Floods Review (PDF)

2010 Port Fairy Regional Flood Study – Sea Level Rise Modelling (PDF)

2010 Portland Flood Study (PDF)

2010 North Warrnambool Flood Study (PDF)

2008 Surry River Flood Study (PDF)

2008 Glenelg Flood Investigations (PDF)

2008 Port Fairy Regional Flood Study (PDF)

2008 Beaufort Flood Study (PDF)

2007 Dennington Flood Study (PDF)

2007 South Warrnambool Flood Study (PDF)

Data request

Are you seeking data and other information relating to floodplains?
If you would like to request a copy of flood modelling files or other forms of data from the CMA, please complete the online Data Request Application Form.

Floodplain management

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Flood Advice

Find out how to get advice on flooding, links to mapping & the Flood Portal

Flood emergency information

Local flood information & resources from the authorities that manage flood emergencies

GHCMA strategies, plans & reports

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