Floodplain management – what we do and why

What does the CMA do?

Glenelg Hopkins CMA is the floodplain management authority for the Glenelg Hopkins region. As the floodplain management authority, we aim to:

  • minimise the risks flooding pose to life, wellbeing, property and community assets
  • maintain the natural functions of floodplains and waterways to safely store and convey floodwater
  • protect the environmental values of floodplains

We do this by developing and maintaining the best available flood risk information for the region. This data is then used to:

  • advise the community about flood risk
  • recommend flood risk minimisation conditions for local government councils to include on planning permits
  • facilitating the development, implementation and periodic review of the Regional Floodplain Management Strategy

Key functions delegated to the CMA under Part 10 (Sections 201 to 212) of the Water Act 1989 include:

  • to find out how far floodwaters are likely to extend and how high they are likely to rise
  • to provide advice about flooding and controls on development to the community, local councils, and the state Secretary for Planning and the Environment

The following message illustrates ‘why we do what we do’

“I would like to record my appreciation of your  advice prior to building our home at Warrnambool. At  the time we naively thought it was a bit of overkill but we have been proved absolutely wrong! Your advice was put to the test in the flood event last week when water came over the retaining wall fronting the Merri Wetlands by approximately 13cm, but we felt quite safe in our house being well off the ground.
Thank you to all your team, and keep doing what you know to be the best outcome for everyone.
Many thanks”
Chris and Roger Cussen
(Received following Warrnambool’s October 2020 flood event)

The CMA focuses on riverine flooding and coastal inundation from the ocean. Local Government councils are the responsible authorities for urban drainage and have the responsibility for managing stormwater flood risk in townships. Enquiries around stormwater flooding in built up areas should be directed to your local council.

Flood Advice

Find out how to get advice on flooding and links to mapping

Flood Portal

Go straight to the Flood Portal for best available flood data using address search

Floodplain Resources

Access guidelines, flood investigations, resources & online planning maps

Flood emergency information

Local flood information & resources from the authorities than manage flood emergencies