Platycam on the Grange Burn

Hamilton’s Grange Burn waterway and its resident Platypus will feature in a new online livestream camera in their natural habitat – Platycam.

Significant waterway works have improved the Grange Burn to a point where it has a healthy population of the Platypus, which is now listed as a vulnerable species in Victoria.

The new project, which includes the livestream camera, will also install additional instream habitat and new bank revegetation works to support one of the world’s most unique animals.

Platycam is believed to be the only livestream camera of platypus in the wild, with most other streamed footage of the notoriously shy animals broadcast showing them in captivity.

The project is being funded through the Victorian Government’s support for Platypus habitat protection and restoration activities announced last year.

‘This funding for improving the health of our rivers and streams is key in supporting the protection of this wonderful species’, Dr Jarod Lyon from the Arthur Rylah Institute, DELWP, said.

‘Platycam is a fantastic initiative that allows people anywhere in the world to see these animals in their natural habitats’ he said

It is hoped images such as this will be captured by Platycam when it begins livestreaming from Hamilton’s Grange Burn in May. IMAGE: Peter Menkhorst

Glenelg Hopkins CMA CEO Adam Bester said the project would highlight not only the local platypus, but also how improving waterways was more than just water flows.

“It’s quite exciting we will have the first Platycam installed on the Grange Burn,” he said.

“The Grange Burn has been a focus of work for the CMA, Southern Grampians Shire Council and Wannon Water in recent years, and the presence of platypus is testament to how important that work has been.”

It is anticipated Platycam will be live by May and viewers will be able to see live footage of the waterway 24hrs a day, with the platypus expected to make appearances at their most active times of dawn and dusk.

The project is part of the Victorian Government’s $250,000 cash injection to carry out restoration works at key habitat sites to ensure the future of the unique mammal.


The Grange Burn in Hamilton will be the site of Platycam