
Forage crop workshop – April 6

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Rising costs of fertiliser, fuel and feed cut into farm profits and a workshop on April 6 aims to help farmers make the most of forage crops while improving farm soil health.

Multispecies forages are enabling southwest Victorian farmers to grow more feed on-farm at a low-cost.
As well as putting more money in your pocket, multispecies forage can fill a feed gap and slow grazing rotations to improve pasture persistence, soil heath and the environment.

Basalt-to-Bay Landcare Network brings together multispecies forage experts to help you better understand how multispecies forage can benefit both your farm business and environment.

RSVP (for catering) or for more information to

To register (for catering) or for more information contact:

Basalt-to-Bay Landcare facilitator Lisette Mill

Phone: 0408 712 713

Email: facilitator@basalttobay.org.au