2022 Victorian Landcare Grants announced

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 Victorian Landcare Grants

Congratulations to the recipients of the 2022 Victorian Landcare Grants in the Glenelg Hopkins CMA region.

Environmental volunteer groups and networks are sharing in $3.22 million in funding to care for the state’s natural environment, with 217 on-ground and capacity-building projects and 281 support grants funded.

Our CMA region received 18 project grants and 30 support grants totaling over $287,000.

The Victorian Landcare Grants support Landcare and environmental volunteering groups and networks for on-ground works, education and capacity building projects that protect and restore our land and natural environment.

Project grants – up to $20,000 was available for on-ground works, capacity-building activities, community education and engagement that protects, or improves natural assets such as native vegetation, native fauna, waterways, wetlands and soils. 

Support grants – up to $500 was available for assistance with costs such as insurance, incorporation and operational needs, or meetings and events or newsletters, websites, and other communication. 

Successful grant recipients and projects from our region are listed below:

Glenelg Hopkins CMA project grants

RecipientProject TitleFunding amount Local Government Area
Upper Mount Emu Creek Landcare NetworkFrom Misery to Paradise, Regenerating Remnant Grassy Woodland on the Volcanic Plain$18,110Pyrenees
Friends of the Forgotten Woodlands Inc.Building Banksias and Bursarias, Strengthening Sheoaks$5,934Catchment Wide
Upper Hopkins Land Management GroupConnecting Corridors in the Upper Hopkins$16,203Ararat
Hamilton Field Naturalists ClubEnhance biodiversity through invasive woody weed control at Wannon Flora Reserve$18,266Southern Grampians
Wando River LandcareWildlife Dams$16,625Glenelg
Mooralla Landcare GroupHealing our Waterways – Cattle Station Creek$19,999Southern Grampians
MAD (Making a Difference) for the Merri Inc.Springs and Soaks in the Merri Catchment – gaining a better understanding for management$6,050Moyne, Warrnambool
Culla – Pigeon Ponds Land Management GroupChronic Creek Remediation$16,625Southern Grampians
Friends of the Great South West Walk IncCape Duquesne Erosion control and Revegetation$10,494Glenelg
Upper Hopkins Land Management GroupBranching Out – creating and connecting landscape features$18,026Ararat
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action GroupWATERWAY RIPARIAN BUFFER ZONE$16,595Ararat
The Basalt to Bay Landcare Network IncPathways to Parks and Pallisters Project$8,774Moyne
Wando River Landcare GroupMaking Habitats on Three Creeks$19,977Glenelg
Gazette Land Action GroupContinuing the Gazette’s Group’s work on the biolink between Mt. Rouse and Mt. Napier$19,579Moyne, Southern Grampians
Lyne Camp Creek Land Management GroupA cache of Camp Creek farms caring for their catchment.$19,368Southern Grampians
Tarragal Landcare GroupConnectivity Conservation & Climate Change: mitigating the impacts of climate change in rural communities$16,625Glenelg
The Gringe Improvement GroupWildlife Haven$9,750Southern Grampians
Hamilton Coleraine Railway Landcare Group (HCRLLG)Brodhi’s mission to fence, control erosion and revegetate his entire section of the Grange Burn$15,129Southern Grampians

Glenelg Hopkins CMA support grant recipients

Recipient Funding amount Local Government Area
Ararat Landcare Group$500Ararat
Best Food and Fibre Environment Group Inc$500Moyne
Bulart Land Management Group$500Southern Grampians
Bunnugal Landcare Group$500Southern Grampians
Byaduk Recreation Reserve$500Southern Grampians
Cardigan Windermere Landcare Group$500Ballarat
Eumeralla Landcare Group$500Glenelg
Fiends of Cape Nelson Inc.$500Glenelg
Friends of Ralph Illidge Sanctuary incorporated$500Moyne
Friends of the Portland Loreto Reserve$500Glenelg
Glenthompson Catchment Group$500Southern Grampians
Hamilton Coleraine Rail Reserve Committee of Management$500Southern Grampians
Hopkins Falls Landcare Group$500Moyne
Kurri Kurri Co-Operative Society Ltd$500Moyne
Mirranatwa Landcare Group$500Southern Grampians
Nelson Coastcare Incorporated$500Glenelg
Panyyabyr Landcare Group$500Southern Grampians
Pierrepoint Land Protection Group$500Southern Grampians
Portland Field Naturalists’ Club Inc$500Glenelg
Portland Scenic Gateway Landcare Group Inc$500Glenelg
Skipton Landcare Group$500Corangamite
Snake Valley and District Land Protection Group$500Ballarat
South West Woody Weeds Action Team Inc.$500Glenelg
Southwest Environment Alliance$500Glenelg
Wannon Nigretta Community Group$500Southern Grampians
Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network Inc$500Warrnambool
Warrnambool Field Naturalists Club$500Warrnambool
Wennicott Creek Landcare Group$500Southern Grampians
Woorndoo Chatsworth Landcare Group (formerly Woorndoo Land Protection Group)$500Moyne

You can see the full list of VLG recipients around Victoria HERE