CMA CEO to continue in role

Glenelg Hopkins CMA CEO Adam Bester has signed on to continue to lead the organisation for at least another five years this week.

Glenelg Hopkins CMA CEO Adam Bester

Glenelg Hopkins CMA chair Tony Ford announced Adam’s commitment to the CMA after meeting with him last week.

Adam Bester has been CEO of the CMA since March 2018 and prior to that was Executive Manager Waterways, having worked with the organisation for 14 years.

Mr Ford said Adam’s leadership of the CMA has seen the organisation build its presence on the ground and have a stronger focus on engagement and communications.

“Adam has been pivotal in leading the organisation to be one of the key delivery partners for Australian Government projects with threatened species and sustainable agriculture under the National Landcare Program, as well as a wide variety of State Government funded projects under the Government’s water, environment and biodiversity portfolios,” Mr Ford said.   

“Adam has a passion for the region and delivering for the community and this has been evident in his role at the CMA but also in his role on various community and sporting groups in the region.”

Mr Bester said recommitting the CMA was an easy decision he looked forward to creating even greater partnerships and project outputs which benefit the region in the next five years.