
National Water Week Poster Competition

National Water Week 2023 Poster Competition

National Water Week is a great opportunity for kids and teens to grow their interest in water through prizes and competitions.  

The 2023 theme ‘United by Water’ highlights the important role water plays in bringing individuals and communities together.

In partnership with Wannon Water and Southern Rural Water, the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority is inviting all primary school and kindergarten students in South West Victoria to create a poster that reflects what “United by Water” means to them.

Our competition opens on July 10 and closes 5pm on September 1. Winners will be announced during the 2023 National Water Week from October 16.

How to enter?

You can submit your poster under one of the following categories:

  • Kindergarten
  • Prep/Foundation
  • Year 1/2
  • Year 3/4
  • Year 5/6

We’ll award the top three entries in each category with prizes valued from $30 to $100. All participating kindergartens or schools will automatically go into a $200 prize draw to support their own sustainability project.

Entries now open

To submit an entry please go to www.nationalwaterweek.com.au and click on Wannon Water to learn more about our competition and submit your poster.