Community projects

Our Catchments Our Communities
The ‘Our Catchments, Our Communities’ project focuses on improving integrated catchment management. This means we work with partners and the community in a variety of ways – project delivery, community engagement events, on-ground works, funding individuals and groups to improve their own capabilities with natural resource management and community engagement…the list is endless.
Indigenous Partnerships
We are working together to share knowledge and experience in natural resource management in the Glenelg Hopkins region through a range of different activities.
Waterway Management Masterclass and Twinning Project
Glenelg Hopkins CMA is currently running a Waterway Management Twinning Program. The program pairs river management professionals from across south-eastern Australia with the purpose of collaborating to deliver world class river protection and rehabilitation projects.
Regional Works Crew
Glenelg Hopkins CMA Works Crew are a small crew based at Ararat which undertake natural resource management works across the region. The main focus of their work is weed control, revegetation with local native plants and land class fencing, with the overall aim to improve river health and native vegetation quality.
Nature and the CMA
Victoria’s Nature Festival is all about connecting with nature. And while we might not all be able to get outdoors and visit nature, we can still experience nature!
The 2021 Festival will be held on September 11 – 26.
Further information about the 2021 event can be found on the event website