Coastal Works Program

Litter Cleanup Day Glenelg River
Yambuk Litter Cleanup Day

What’s the project?

The CMA will work collaboratively with key stakeholders including traditional owners, private landholders, local government, local industry and community groups to:

  • Improve entrance management of the six major intermittently closed estuaries – the Hopkins, Merri, Eumeralla (Yambuk Lake), Surry, Fitzroy, and Glenelg River estuaries.
  • Improve estuary management through monitoring of water quality and review and implementation of estuary management plans.
  • Deliver on-ground works which protect and rehabilitate estuarine riverbanks, wetlands and adjoining catchments.
  • Increase capacity of community groups through involvement in Estuary Watch and provision of information about estuarine and coastal processes.
  • Provide benefits to residents and visitors of the towns of Warrnambool (Hopkins and Merri River estuaries), Port Fairy (Moyne River estuary), Yambuk (Yambuk Lake estuary), Tyrendarra (Fitzroy River estuary), Narrawong (Surry River estuary), Portland (Fawthrop Lagoon/Wattle Hill Creek) and Nelson (Glenelg River estuary) for recreational activities particularly boating and fishing.
Hopkins Estuary

Find out more

The Coastal Connections publication is distributed every two months and aims to give readers an update on current estuarine conditions in the Glenelg Hopkins coastal region, along with promoting achievements, activities and volunteering opportunities.

The Estuary Management publication aims to communicate key management decisions on our regions estuaries to stakeholders, businesses and community members.  It is distributed in association with major events or activities specific to each estuary, such as water quality information or Artificial River Mouth Openings. 

Victorian Waterway Management Strategy Chapter 13 ‘Estuaries’, p184 (PDF)
Budj Bim Restoration Project (PDF)
Regional Riparian Action Plan (PDF)
Major Projects Brochure (PDF)

Jarred Obst
Senior NRM Planner

Project Partners

DELWP, Local Government, Parks Victoria, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, Nature Glenelg Trust, Landcare/Coastcare and community groups, other regional partners.

This program is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA and landholders through funding from the Victorian Government.