Budj Bim Connections
The Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape is a section of volcanic plain that encompasses the area from Mt Eccles to the sea. The basalt lava flow created a series of wetlands and rivers including Lake Condah, Darlot Creek and Fitzroy River and estuary.
In 2010, Lake Condah was restored and the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners are now focusing on protecting and restoring other waterways in the landscape.
This Flagship Waterway project supports the implementation of priority on-ground projects identified in the Fitzroy Estuary and Darlot Creek WAP and the Budj Bim Landscape program.
Budj Bim Connections Flagship Project
Delivering, not only to the environment, but also the traditional owners, through opportunity to undertaken cultural burning, education of younger generations, and community involvement.
More videos are available on our YouTube Channel
National Heritage Landscape
Find out more
Budj Bim Restoration Project (PDF)
DELWP Willows factsheet (PDF)
Fitzroy River and Darlot Creek WAP Increased Incentives for Landholders (PDF)
Wetlands Australia: Reconnecting Flows across the Budj Bim Landscape (PDF)
Fitzroy River and Darlot Creek WAP Summary Report (PDF)
Major Projects Brochure (PDF)
Budj Bim Tours
National Heritage Places – Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape
Jarred Obst
Senior NRM Planner
Project Partners
Parks Victoria, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Corporation, Glenelg Shire Council, landholders, Community Groups including the Fitzroy River Public Purposes Reserve Incorporated Committee of Management and local field naturalist groups.