Merri River Restoration

Key threats to the reach include nutrient and sediment inputs and a degraded riparian zone, which is largely cleared of native habitat and contains long stretches of woody weeds including willows, poplars and other exotic species.

As part of the restoration of the river, Glenelg Hopkins CMA is working with landholders and community groups in Warrnambool to improve river health through riparian and instream habitat improvement.

Specific works include the removal of woody weeds, particularly exotic tree species such as willows, revegetation with native plants, stock exclusion fencing and the reintroduction of woody and rock instream habitat.

By partnering with key stakeholders, it is expected that over time the Merri River Restoration project will improve biodiversity and overall river health, boosting local fish and bird populations through the river’s lower urban reaches.

The project has formed an alliance with stakeholders including Warrnambool City Council, land developers, industry and community groups and private landholders.

5.2km of riverbank has been improved to date with over 14,700 native plants established across 7.4 ha of land to increase recreational amenity, native habitat and the overall health of the river.

To address the threat of sediment, nutrients and weeds from agricultural land upstream, the CMA will aim to create a waterway buffer immediately upstream of Warrnambool.

5.2km of riverbank has been improved to date with over 14,700 native plants established…

Find out more

Visit the Riverspace website for more information on the Merri River projects

Regional Riparian Action Plan (PDF)

Major Projects Brochure (PDF)

Chris Wilson
Field Services Officer

Project partners

Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network, DELWP, Warrnambool City Council, Making A Difference (MAD) for the Merri, Midfield Meats, Fonterra, private land managers

This program is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA and project partners through funding from the Victorian Government.