A decade of environmental flows for Glenelg River

The Glenelg River has been receiving environmental flows for the best part of a decade, and recently, the community group who participates in the decision making around the river’s flows noted how the positive outcomes of those flows were now becoming evident.

The Glenelg River Environmental Water Advisory Group (GREWAG) members represent a range of community and government body stakeholders from across the catchment. The group provides guidance and feedback to the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (CMA) on the use of environmental water in the Glenelg River system.

At the recent meeting at Nelson, participants noted the continued improvement seen in the Glenelg River over the last decade, particularly increases in native fish range up the river, improved flow and water quality due to the removal of barriers in the river and smarter use of environmental water to link deep water locations in the river and reduce salinity in the upper reaches.

However, it was also noted there were still issues that need to be addressed such as river regulation and out of system water diversions, carp numbers, impacts from sand moving from the upper reaches, and flow monitoring on the river and its tributaries.

READ THE MEDIA RELEASE – Benefits of a decade of environmental flows discussed at Nelson

Members of the Glenelg River Environmental Water Advisory Group (GREWAG) on their tour of the Glenelg River from Nelson in March.