Page 3 of 321 results.
Irrigation workshops: Warrnambool & Hamilton
Understanding your irrigation system and if you have it running a peak performance? Wondering if it’s worth upgrading and need to understand what’s ... -
Have a wellbeing break: Casterton October 25
The opportunity to step back and take a wellbeing break from the farm, your regional business, your rural place, is happening in Casterton on October 25. Join C... -
Need to learn about climate adaption for your farm?
Through the Carbon Farming Outreach program, Glenelg Hopkins CMA and local Landcare facilitators will be running a number of local workshops highlighting the ch... -
Newsletter out now
Find out what we have been up to at the Glenelg Hopkins CMA in the last month, how you can get involved in Frogtober and where farmers can participate in worksh... -
$6.5m project funding flows to support species
The Glenelg Hopkins CMA will be delivering $6.5 million in projects around the region over four years following the announcement of Natural Heritage Trust proje... -
Bitterns on Farms event | Dunkeld | September 15
Want to know how you might find an Australasian Bittern is there is one on your farm? Curious to know what to look for when it comes to Bittern habitat? This co... -
Newsletter out now
Spring has arrived and thankfully so has some rain for the catchment, together with some extraordinary storm conditions. In this month’s newsletter, find ... -
Become a full moon boom catcher!
Did you know that when there is a full moon, that’s the time the Australasian Bittern are the most active with their booming? Whether they are booming at ... -
Glenelg River and landholders to benefit from flows
A water release from Rocklands Reservoir to the Glenelg River in coming weeks will help improve water quality and support landholder domestic and stock water ne... -
Landcare events: Tax Changes and Spiny Rush
The following events are being hosted by Landcare groups but are not just for landcarers! Recent changes to taxation rules in Australia and Victoria mean that a...