Regional Works Crew
Glenelg Hopkins CMA Works Crew are a small crew based at Ararat which undertake natural resource management works across the region. The main focus of their work is weed control, revegetation with local native plants and land class fencing, with the overall aim to improve river health and native vegetation quality.
The crew regularly partners with farmers, Landcare Groups and Government agencies to assist them in their land management endeavours. In particular, they are available to assist land managers who are struggling with the labour component of their environmental works (conditions apply).
The crew are also available to assist local communities in times of need, such as following flood, fire and drought events.
The crew members have a range of skills and competencies that enable them to undertake their work. Specifically, these relate to chemical spraying, fencing, native plant identification and management, and tree felling.
The crew also undertakes works along urban waterways in the townships of Beaufort, Skipton, Panmure, Hamilton and Warrnambool.
Want to know more?
Major Projects Brochure (PDF)

David Nichols
Senior Field Services Officer
Project partners
The program relies on, and promotes a range of partnerships with individuals, community groups and government agencies. Foremost amongst these is the partnership with local landholders and with the Ararat Rural City Council (ARCC), whereby the ARCC host the crew out of the Ararat depot. This relationship is vital to the success and running of the program.
This program is supported by Glenelg Hopkins CMA and project partners through funding from the Victorian Government.