Southwest Victorian Irrigation Development Guidelines

What are the Southwest Irrigation Development Guidelines?

The Southwest Victorian Irrigation Development Guidelines help make our agricultural region even more sustainable: economically, productively and environmentally.

What are the guidelines for?

As well as there being a range of values recognised by the wider community for a healthy agricultural industry, environment and culture, there are also a range of legislative and procedural requirements to uphold as part of irrigation development applications.

The process of applying for a new irrigation development or altering an existing development has in the past been complex for the applicant and agencies.

Irrigation districts around the state have seen the benefits of a streamlined set of Irrigation Development Guidelines, and now so can Southwest Victoria.

Are you an AGENCY involved in new or varied irrigation development; Take and Use Licenses and Works Licenses?

The Guidelines provide a process for the informed consideration of applications relating to an irrigation development.
They aim to provide clearer steps to previously complex application and assessment methods, improving efficiencies between referral agencies and for applicant landholders.
The information and requirements for an application, will be dependent upon the complexity and level of potential risk identified for the proposed development.
A proposed development that has impacts on the environment such as groundwater rise, native vegetation removal, or large-scale land-use changes, for example, may be required to provide more comprehensive information and employ suitably qualified experts.
While for redevelopment scenarios where the risks may be much lower, a simpler application process with less information would apply.
The level of risk is assessed early in the investigation phase to assist with determining the level and type of information required to inform the process.


Alternatively, for an effective overview of the process and its requirements, see the series of factsheets available.

For further information phone Glenelg Hopkins CMA on 5571 2526 or email

Are you a LANDHOLDER or land manager looking at irrigating your property for the first time or developing your existing irrigation set up?

Now there is easier access to the information you need to know upfront.
The guidelines aim to provide you advice from the beginning so you know what to expect from the process, what you will gain and what is required from you.
You will have access to support and to knowledge on water efficiencies, drainage management and land health.

To start, check out the series of Factsheets below which will provide you with the steps and explanations of preparing a solid irrigation development  and associated application.


Developing the sustainable irrigation guidelines

Irrigation System Checks Videos with Ag Vic

Maintaining an irrigator with simple checks to ensure it is working efficiently and effectively is one the easiest ways farmers can ensure they are getting to most out of their machinery and their water.

  • System checks to ensure optimum performance and, energy and water use efficiency of your irrigation system 
  • Simple measures you can do yourself 
  • Cost effective to undertake and will save money in the long run 

Further Irrigation Information:  

These videos were all filmed on Eastern Maar Traditional Owners land and we acknowledge elders past, present and emerging of Eastern Maar.  

DIY irrigator checks to maintain performance videos – CLICK HERE

VIDEO 1: Introduction to the benefits of centre pivots / lateral move irrigation systems

Video 2 – Performance check 1: The Pressure Test 
 Checking the pressure at the end of a pivot is a great indicator of performance.  
If too low = low uniformity (uneven application of water) 
If too high = excessive energy consumption 

Video 3 – Performance Check: Uniformity and Application Depth (The Catch Can Test) 
If the water application depth is significantly different to what you set on your systems control panel, then irrigation scheduling is very difficult. If you don’t know how much you are applying, how can you know you are matching the crop water use. 

Video 4 – Performance Check 3: Pump Flow Rate 

Pump flow rate is a good indicator of whether the system is applying the correct amount of water and is therefore important of irrigation scheduling and uniformity (how evenly water is applied).  A measurement of flow rate is also needed to determine energy efficiency of the pump.  

Video 5 – Performance Check 4: Pivot End Pressure in the Pump Shed 

Pressure at the pump is used to calculate pump efficiency and the total dynamic head of the system. 

Video 6- Performance check 5: Managing Wheel Tracks (with BONUS tip: prevent pivots breaking fence wires) 

Preventing bog holes in wheel tracks. 
1:04 BONUS: Often farmers who have fences that centre pivots have to run over and have difficulties when the centre pivots go over the fences breaking wires. 

Video 7- Performance Check 6 –  Improving Infiltration by Reducing Application Rate 

We don’t just consider the application depth of the water, but also how quickly it’s being applied. If the water’s being applied more quickly than it can infiltrate into the soil, it runs off and causes problems.