Page 24 of 297 results.
Regional Works Crew
The crew are also available to assist local communities in times of need, such as following flood, fire and drought events. The crew members have a range of ski... -
Waterway Management Masterclass and Twinning Project
pairs river management professionals focuses on river protection and rehabilitation projects supports a mentor and mentee program encourages knowledge sharing, ... -
Indigenous Partnerships
Yarns on Farms Yarns on Farms engages local farmers and land management groups across the National Heritage listed Budj Bim Landscape, in South West ... -
Our Catchments Our Communities
What is is the Our Catchments Our Communities on-ground stewardship project? “Looking after Country – valuing wetlands in the productive Greater Grampians (... -
Land Capacity Study
This warmer, drier climate will have significant impact on agriculture with some common pasture and crop species no longer viable or at increased risk of failur... -
Hopkins Wetlands Restoration Project
The Glenelg Hopkins catchment has more than 7,600 wetlands covering 117,000 ha (or 4 per cent) of the region’s area. This represents 22 per cent of Victo... -
Flood Recovery
The CMA and flood recovery The Glenelg Hopkins CMA provides support during and after flood events in our catchment areas. This is through waterways planning and... -
Permanent Protection of Long Swamp
Past catchment land use change, climatic trends and artificial drainage have contributed to a long-term drying trend in Long Swamp, causing shifts in vegetation... -
Glenelg Estuary and Discovery Bay – Glenelg Ramsar
What happens in the Glenelg Ramsar area? The Glenelg Estuary Discovery Bay Ramsar area is a diverse landscape which allows a number of our CMA projects cross ov... -
Coastal Works Program
What’s the project? The CMA will work collaboratively with key stakeholders including traditional owners, private landholders, local government, local industr...