Regional Catchment Strategy

Community Engagement and Partnership Survey

How much do you know about us and what we do? Tell us in our 2025 Community Engagement and Nature Survey The CMA does lots of projects on the ground and we work with lots of people but sometimes...

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Wetlands of the west

Wetlands, surprisingly, are not always wet. Sometimes, that's their natural function. Sometimes, that's because in years gone by, their value in a landscape has been overlooked and they've been...

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The importance of estuary management

Estuaries are an amazing natural space where fresh river water meets the sea, and in the Glenelg Hopkins CMA region, we have 5 intermittently closed estuary areas we manage. With the help of some...

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2022-23 Annual Report released

On behalf of the Board of Directors, management and staff,  we are pleased to present the 25th Annual Report of the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority. The annual report was tabled...

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Want to work with us helping deliver on-ground project improving the land, water and biodiversity of the Glenelg Hopkins catchment area? We currently have 2 exciting roles which directly relate to...

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Have your say on the plan for land, water and biodiversity.

The public consultation period for the Glenelg Hopkins CMA Regional Catchment Strategy 2021- 2027 opens on Monday 12 July 2021.

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